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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Collectivism - protective anti-identity intellectual camouflage

Very interesting discussion, Camille Paglia & Jordan B Peterson

Very interesting general idea, on the origin of human collectivism. See this discussion in the video, around minute 25 to 26, refering to dr. Robert Sapolsky's work on herd animals.

There are two forms of camouflage: one is to camouflage against the surrounding environment such as grass (i.e. the lions) another is to camouflage against the surrounding herd to become indistinguishable (i.e. zebras).  The authors discuss the emergence of modern academic collectivism and conformity as a form of intellectual  camouflage for the purpose of protecting positions and tenures, making oneself so undistinguishable from each other such as to thwart a potential intellectual attack against any one, making it as difficult as attacking the entire academic herd.     

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